Thursday, September 20, 2012


I was inspired to make this blog because of (British Council Learn English Kids) song that you can see on the above link. It's really very helpful for me to remember the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era. I love numbers and music, so here are the loads of information about the Magic Mesozoic numbers.


Name Means: Speedy thief
Lived:85-80 million years ago ( Late Cretaceous period)
Where: Mongolia, Russia and China
Diet: Meat eater (it hunted in packs)
Size: 2 meters long and 1 meter long
Features :It could run up to 60km per hour , it had a 9 cm long claw on the middle toe of each foot.


Name Means : Heavy Claw
Lived: 125 million years ago (early Cretaceous period)
Found in: United Kingdom, Spain
Diet: Meat eater (it probably mostly ate fish)
Size: 8-10 meters long and 5 meters tall
Features: 30cm long claws on its hands , jaws like a crocodile


Name Means : Wounding tooth
Lived :76-70 million years ago (late Cretaceous period)
Found in: USA and Canada
Diet: Meat eater
Size: 3 meters long and 2 meters tall
Features: It was probably the most intelligent dinosaur, it moved fast on two legs


Name means: Three-horned face
Lived:72-65 million years ago (late Cretaceous period)
Found in: USA and Canada
Diet: Plant eater (it probably ate low-lying plants)
Size: 9 meters long and 3 meters tall
Features: It had three horns on its face, its head was nearly one third as long as its body


Name means: Tyrant Lizard King
Lived:85-65 million years ago (late Cretaceous period)
Found in: USA, Canada and Mongolia
Diet: Meat eater (it hunted alone)
Size: 12 meters long and 6 meters tall
Features: It could eat 230 kgs of meat and bones in one bite


Name means : Iguana tooth
Lived:135-125  million years ago (early Cretaceous period)
Found in: Europe, Northern Africa,USA, Mongolia 
Diet: Plant eater
Size: 9 meters long and 5 meters tall
Features: It had a beak with no teeth, its teeth were in its cheeks, it had a claw for a thumb


Name means: Winged and Toothless
Lived:85-75 million years ago (late Cretaceous period)
Found in: Kansas, USA,  North America, England and Europe
Diet: Meat eater (probably ate mostly fish)
Size: 1.8 meters tall, 7.8-10 meters wingspan
Interesting fact: It was a flying reptile that lived during the time of the dinosaurs


Name means: Double-beamed
Lived:155-145 million years ago (mid-late Jurassic period)
Found in: USA
Diet: Plant eater ( it probably used its long neck to reach plants in the middle 
of the woods)
Size: 27 meters long , with an 8 meter long neck and a 14 meter long tail
Features: It had extra bones below its backbone


Name means: Giant southern reptile
Lived: 100-90 million years ago (mid Cretaceous period)
Found in: Argentina 
Diet: Meat eater
Size: 14 meters long
Features: It was the largest meat-eating dinosaur


Name means: Arm lizard
Lived: 156-145 million years ago (mid-late Jurassic period)
Found in: North America and Tanzania
Diet: Plant eater (it probably ate the tops of trees)
Size: 13 meters tall and 25 meters long
Features: Its nostrils were on the top of its head

Photo Credits to : and National Geographic
Editing tool :
Information: British Council Learn English Kids

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